Managed IT

What to Expect in an IT Tech Stack

Read this blog to learn about what solutions businesses should expect in a modern IT tech stack that keeps data secure and operations running smoothly.

Blog Post

8 minute read

Nov 10, 2023

In the business world, technology is one of the drivers of success. The right people making use of the right technology can elevate any operation. This is one of the reasons it’s imperative for business leaders and decision makers to prioritize investing in and developing a modern tech stack. In fact, 9 out of 10 businesses consider IT imperative to reaching goals.

A modern tech stack is going to consist of multiple integrated solutions across the front end and back end, making for a better employee experience. Not only that, but it will make it easy for employees to access stored data securely whenever they need for their job.  

Through this blog, we’ll explore how the right technology can create smooth operations, secure data, and position businesses for unlimited growth and scalability.  

Growing organizations need IT tech stacks that can scale with them, but not all professionals need to be IT experts. Impact’s eBook, Does Your Business Need a Managed IT Service Provider? Will help you determine whether your in-house capability is up to par with industry standards. 

What Is a Tech Stack? 

Before delving into the intricacies of a modern IT tech stack, let's start with the basics: what is a tech stack?  

A tech stack, or technology stack, is the software and hardware solutions that allow your organization to operate. Think of a tech stack like a multi-layered cake, where each piece of hardware and software is connected and baked into a cohesive system.  

In a modern IT tech stack, these layers seamlessly interact, ensuring smooth operations and continual functionality. Not only that, but the right tech stack for your organization will improve the employee experience and can increase productivity and efficiency.  

Front End Solutions

The "front end" of a tech stack is the user-facing platforms and applications. It encompasses user interfaces, web applications, and mobile apps.  

Front-end technologies have evolved to provide engaging and intuitive user experiences. Responsive design, user-centric frameworks, and cross-platform compatibility are key elements of this layer.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): These applications combine the best of web and mobile app experiences, offering fast performance and offline access. A great example of a PWA is Spotify.  

Single Page Applications (SPAs): SPAs deliver seamless user experiences by loading content dynamically, reducing page reloads. Some popular SPAs include Facebook, Gmail, and even Netflix.  

Cross-Platform Development: Frameworks like React Native and Flutter enable building applications that work on both iOS and Android, saving time and resources. 

Back End Technology

On the flip side, the "back end" of a tech stack powers the functionality users may not see but heavily rely on. It involves server-side programming languages, databases, and storage solutions. Modern tech stacks employ highly efficient and scalable back end technologies, ensuring robust data management, security, and high-quality analytics.

Serverless Computing: Serverless architectures allow automatic scaling and reduce operational overhead, enabling efficient resource usage. Google Cloud Functions is just one example of serverless computing.

NoSQL Databases: Non-relational databases like MongoDB and Cassandra offer flexibility and scalability for handling large and complex datasets.

Containerization: Technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes simplify deployment and management of applications across various environments.

Working with a team of IT experts can help you build custom combination of front end and back end solutions that will best benefit your business and your employees.  

The Role of the Cloud

The cloud has emerged as a transformative force. It provides flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, making it an indispensable component of modern tech stacks. Leading cloud service providers empower organizations to access resources on demand, resulting in enhanced agility and rapid adaptation to evolving needs.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Treating infrastructure as code allows for automated, consistent, and scalable resource provisioning.

Container Orchestration: Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform, simplifies the deployment and scaling of containerized applications.

Serverless Architectures: By eliminating server management, serverless computing enables businesses to focus on code and innovation.

Whether you’re still using physical servers or you’re already full digitized, IT experts can give you insight into the optimal set of solutions for your data needs, and can even assist with the transition from physical servers to cloud-based solutions.   

Security Considerations

In an era marked by digital threats and increasing regulations, cybersecurity takes center stage when it comes to the IT space. Modern tech stacks prioritize robust security measures to guard against data breaches, malicious attacks, and compliance issues.  

Encryption, access control, threat detection, and continuous monitoring are integral components of security strategies.

Zero Trust Architecture: This model emphasizes strict identity verification and continuous monitoring, even within the network perimeter. Designing systems with zero trust in mind emphasizes identity authentication and makes authorization a priority.  

Security as Code: Automating security practices ensures that it is integrated into every phase of application development. This also helps standardize security practices across your organization.  

Development Security Operations: This approach integrates security into the development operations process, ensuring that security is a shared responsibility.

Training and Awareness: In addition to integrating security protocols into the internal development process, it’s also crucial to train employees, partners, and contractors on cybersecurity best practices. This way you can develop a culture of security and your staff will operate with a security-first mindset. 

Planning for the Future and Scalability

Tech stacks are not static, they evolve over time to accommodate changing business requirements and technological advancements. Forward-thinking business leaders anticipate future needs and plan for scalability. Microservices, containerization, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) are pivotal aspects of future-proofing your tech stack.  

This ensures your IT infrastructure can expand seamlessly as your business grows. 

Microservices Architecture: Decomposing applications into smaller, independent services enables easier development, scaling, and maintenance.

AI and Machine Learning Integration: Leveraging AI and ML capabilities can enhance business insights and customer experiences.

Quantum Computing: Although in its early stages, quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionize data processing and cryptography.

Wrapping Up on the Modern IT Tech Stack 

A modern IT tech stack is composed of front-end solutions for user engagement, back-end technologies for efficient operations, cloud services for flexibility, robust security measures, and forward-thinking scalability planning.

As a business leader or decision maker, investing in your tech stack is pivotal for staying competitive in the digital age. It's not merely about understanding "what is a tech stack," but rather about harnessing the best technology to meet your unique needs.  

Embrace the modern IT tech stack, and you'll be well-prepared to seize the opportunities and address the challenges of the ever-evolving technological landscape.  

Find out if working with an IT partner would make sense for your business in Impact’s eBook, Does Your Business Need a Managed IT Service Provider?  


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