
5 Ways to Facilitate Cybersecurity Training for Employees

Learn how to facilitate cybersecurity training for your employees. Empower your staff to get, retain, and share the skills they need to follow company protocols.

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5 minutes

Jun 09, 2022

The overwhelming majority of data breaches happen due to human error. However, by fostering a culture of security, you can reduce the odds of it happening to your business. Proper cybersecurity training for employees decreases risks and empowers employees with the tools they need to follow cybersecurity guidelines. 

When cybersecurity might not be an employee’s priority, how can leaders empower them to act and become data protectors? Explore the different ways in which communication, training, and encouragement can help your company maintain cybersecurity. 

Tools To Get Employees Invested in Cybersecurity | Impact Networking

Communication: Explain Goals and Expectations 

The benefits of cybersecurity training will be few if employees do not understand the reasons for and goals of such training. If an employee does not understand why a certain procedure is in place, they might use shortcuts or skips steps in order to save time. 

Communicating to your staff the importance of cybersecurity in keeping company and personal data safe will help them align with your cybersecurity goals. Clearly explain why an industry requirement is in place, which processes are set up to protect customers’ personal data, and the sanctions that may occur if compliance is not followed. 

Don’t leave your team in the dark about the advantages of cybersecurity. When your staff understand the benefits of cybersecurity compliance as well as the consequences of disregarding it, they will be more eager to be an active participant. 

Employees are 23% more likely to stay at a company if their manager clearly explains their role and responsibilities. 

Education: Engage Your Team to Take Action 

Once your workforce understands the reasons why cybersecurity training for employees is important, you can develop a cybersecurity training program that matches your company’s industry, mission, and size. The lessons team members will learn should match real scenarios they would encounter in their workplace. 

Making the training engaging as well as informative can lead to great results. For example, demonstrating the loopholes and vulnerabilities in your system and how hacking takes place would make the learning experience exciting for your staff. 

They could also watch a trained expert attempt to break in and observe how a lack of cybersecurity protocols can endanger their network. Making the training memorable as well as useful will have an impact, not just on employee buy-in, but also on ensuring workers follow protocols for the long run. 

Related Blog: Are Passwords Actually Secure? 

Empowerment: Use Language to Drive Change 

Leaders could mistakenly make cybersecurity another rule staff has to follow rather than a responsibility they feel proud to carry. Using empowering language can help your team not only understand, but also prioritize, cybersecurity.  

You can use language that is clear, simple, and relatable. This doesn’t mean that your employees cannot understand complex concepts, it will simply make embracing cybersecurity easier. If cybersecurity is not the primary focus of your staff’s workload, using simple language will make it easier to digest the information. 

Can you use fun labels such as cybersecurity agents or detectives? Helping your workforce take on the identity of conscientious cybersecurity personnel will influence them to take cybersecurity rules and guidelines and uphold them not only at the workplace, but also in their personal lives. 

Businesses units in the top quartile of employee engagement are 21% more profitable, are 17% more productive, have 10% better customer ratings. 

Motivation: Be a Cybersecurity Role Model 

Become your employees’ ally as you explore the importance of cybersecurity with them. Encourage them to ask any questions and to have open discussions. This will make the often-intimidating topic of cybersecurity less daunting and easier to implement. 

Show them with your actions that cybersecurity is important to you as well. If you model the behaviors that you expect of them, the people you lead will find it easier to follow the cybersecurity framework at your organization.  

Without a leader to show the way, employees may assume it is acceptable to forgo rules. Similarly, your team won’t be excited to follow a rule that a leader is not adhering to. 

If you or a certain staff member have cybersecurity knowledge, empower them to share that knowledge with others. A designated time and space for leaders to share their skills will help others gain these skills too. Information that serves your workforce should be openly shared and discussed to create a culture of cooperation. 

Related: What Is the Main Purpose of Security Awareness Training? 

Commitment: Uphold Cybersecurity for the Long-term 

With ongoing advances in technology and in the ways that cyberattacks are executed, long-term commitment from you and your staff is essential to maintain cybersecurity in your company. Training should be conducted at regular intervals with any updates or changes communicated to ensure staff are up to date. 

Having cybersecurity training for employees once without practice will make all the information your employees gained slip away with lack of use. Reinforcement is especially necessary if cybersecurity is a newer topic for your workforce. 

Set up times for your team members to review guidelines and to practice cybersecurity measures that help keep the company network and sensitive data safe. Remind them of the importance of cybersecurity in a fast-changing online landscape and their important role in maintaining data security. 

Related: Developing a Cybersecurity Strategy to Protect Your Business 

Bottom Line 

Cybersecurity can be a daunting subject. Using your leadership skills to guide, educate, and empower your employees can have great benefits for your organization and for its culture.  

Workers who are motivated are more likely to care about cybersecurity and the reasons why security policies have been implemented in their workplace.  

Cybersecurity training for employees can be exciting and informative. By empowering your staff, you give them the skills they need to follow cybersecurity protocols, but also to advocate for cybersecurity both in their workplace and personal lives.  

Wondering how to engage and inspire employees? Consider attending a business and technology summit with industry experts and leaders like Impact Optimize, a one-day event that brings together industry leaders and professionals to network, learn, and innovate together. Learn more about the event. 


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